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Decode Hex decimal number in string using lua

There are certain scenarios in which hexdecimal number will be string in the string, and we will get decode error while decoding the string.

Here is an example how to replace or decode hex decimal number in lua.

function hexToAscii(str)
    return (str:gsub('..', function (cc)
        if tonumber(cc) then
          return string.char(tonumber(cc, 16))
        return cc

a = "asdssdkfsdl\x22ksldflog\x22ksldf\x5Cskdf"
b = hexToAscii(a)
print (b)

In the above example we are take two char in the function, and using tonumber with base 16 to convert back to ascii.

This kind of example are can be used in fluentbit log parsing.